Monday, June 16, 2008

My New Horse

So I've always wanted my own horse, but never had one. I used to always ride my dads horse Freedom, but Ryan took her away from me on Friday. So he had to find me another horse. Ryan found this horse and was pretty impressed with it, so we had to go check it out. Of course I fell in love with it. She was a pretty horse, and even though she had sore feet she was good to ride. So I gave my dad the smile, and we ended up taking her home. Her feet are getting better, and we are trying to get her in shape. This is my present to try and keep me happy while Steven is gone. I hope the time goes by fast. Even though I love my horse, I will still miss Steven so much!

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

What a nice looking horse. Sorry Ryan took your horse from you. I bet this one will be a better one for you. By the way How you doing? Is tomorrow the day? Let me know if I can do anything.

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