Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Fun and Happy Birthday Dad

I had kind of a bad start to my Christmas morning. Instead of waking up at 5 a.m because of excitment, I woke up because my tonsils were bleeding. I never expected that, and it was quite a bit of blood that I was spitting up. I didn't know what was going on, so I was pretty scared. Then my mom read a paper from the doctor that said bleeding was common around the 7th day. So after we got it cleaned up we headed back to bed, before seeing what Santa had left for us. Around 8 we woke back up and went to see what Santa had left for Shaelynn and Paeton. This was the first year we got to see them when they first saw their presents. It was fun to be there with them. Next we headed over to Chester to see what Santa left there. It is fun to see the kids get excited over their new toys. It is tradition for my Grandma to come over and be with us to watch us open presents. This year we were a little late getting to our presents, that she was beginning to think we had forgotten about Christmas. But finally we made it back to see what Santa left under our Christmas Tree. Santa was good to us all this year. I loved the presents, and being able to spend time with family. That is always my favorite part, is being able to have all of my family together. Me and Trevor were kind of dead heads because we weren't feeling good, but it still turned out to be a nice Christmas.

Last of all I just want to say Happy Birthday to my dad. We won't mention the age, but we always get to celebrate his birthday along with the birth of the Savior. I hope he had a good birthday this year. I just want to tell him how much I love him, and am grateful for all that he does for me. I can't thank him enough for our friendship, and the blessings he brings into our home. My mom may not think so, but when me and my dad get together, we can be pretty funny. I'm grateful that he holds the preisthood, and will give me father's blessings. I don't think I would have made it through this week without that blessing, and I'm very thankful for that. I love you Dad! I hope you had a good birthday!


The Johnsons said...

I'm glad you had a good Christmas, it was fun having you guys here to see the girls open their presents. I wasn't to happy about the wake up time but it was fun.

Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

thanks for coming over. I am glad you got everything you wanted. I especially like the camera!

Kailee Joy said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas. I'm sorry about you little early morning incident... I hope you get feeling better soon.
oh, and Happy Birthday to your dad! My dad just celebrated his on Christmas Eve.

Moab Cozzens said...

I love it when your Dad has a birthday because then he is a year older than me again! Glad you had a good Christmas:)

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