Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Almost there

11 months down 13 months to go!!!!!!!!


The Johnsons said...

You can do it. Its almost on the down hill.

Kailee Joy said...

Whoo Hoo! Thats exciting... Good Luck with the next 13, hopefully they will go by quickly!

Moab Cozzens said...

Yea!! And just look at how fast those 11 months went by.

Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

Wahoooo!!! The first year is the hardest. The second year gets better. But it all stinks! But it's worth the wait, I promise.

You Are Pocahantas!
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Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.

Which Disney Princess Are You?