Friday, February 19, 2010

Ice Skating

This post is a couple of weeks late, but I guess it's better late than never right? After work one night Kenzie called and told me she had free ice skating tickets! I haven't been ice skating since I was in young womens and I was up to trying something different. So we got our group of friends together and went. I got there late because of work, and only had an hour to skate, but trust me that was plenty. My legs were sore by the time we were done. And this is probably something I shouldn't admit, but I did fall on my butt one time! It was so embarrassing. People kept stopping to ask if I needed help up, that made it even worse. Me and Cassidy couldn't stop laughing especially when her and another guy went to help me up, but only ended up dragging me across the ice! Good thing I can take getting embarrassed. It was a great time! 

 This is the attempt at taking a picture of us skating. It is kinda blurry but I am the one in the grey hoodie trying to keep my balance with my arms out! Yeah I know Professional ice skating is not on my list of career choices!
 Cheesy? Yes!

I am definatley having some good times up here in not so happy valley! :)


The Johnsons said...

The one and only time I ever attempted ice skating I was grateful we took Shaelynn to be able to push her around in the stroller so I could stay on my feet. Looks like you did a lot better than I ever did.

I'm glad your having a good time, you deserve it.

Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

I guess I know where Rory got his ice skating skills from. I haven't been since high school and I want to go again.

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