Saturday, December 6, 2008

Crazy Week

My Week has turned out be be a crazy one! I seem to have gone non stop all week. On monday after a day's work I took Cassie to the hospital so she could be there to take care of Ryan. Who would have thought we would be the first to come and the last to leave, but it was all good. It gave me and Cassie time to enjoy a Chicken Salad! I'm just grateful my brother is alive! After that it was a week of studying and trying to get ready for finals week. I did take time to spend with this beautiful little girl.... She is too cute. We have watched The Lion King everyday this week. Anytime I was home she would come right over and say "Lets Watch Our Movie." There was no talking her into a new one. It had to be Hakuna Matata, or as Paeton says it "Atuna tata." I even started belting out "Oh I just can't wait to be king" in front of my friends thursday night, and they looked at me like I was nuts. But I'm glad for the time spent with her. The bad news is my doctors appointment didn't go so well. I learned that I have to have sinus surgery and my tonsils removed. I'm not looking forward to that but hopefully it will make me feel better. I have also had to experience of taking a 3 year old into a public bathroom. She can ask some embarrassing things, and your just hoping no one heard, but knowing everyone did. All in all it was a crazy week, and I can't wait for finals week to be over!


Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

Good luck with the surgery. You can come stay at my house and I will force you to drink gatorade like I did Jenna. I got her feeling better! Good luck with finals. I am all done this semester. Only 5 more left, YUCK!

The Johnsons said...

Good luck with your finals! I am so happyh paeton loves you. Your the first thing she asks for every morning. I will be here to take care of you during your surgery since you have been such a help this last week. Thanks for that salad it was really good. I'm so happy you were there with me.

The Johnsons said...

Good luck with your finals! I am so happyh paeton loves you. Your the first thing she asks for every morning. I will be here to take care of you during your surgery since you have been such a help this last week. Thanks for that salad it was really good. I'm so happy you were there with me.

Trevor and Jessica said...

Your so lucky...Don't forget to call me the day after so I can hear your voice and laugh at you..ha just kidding good luck on finals and on the surgery..good thing your going to be healthy! Which is always good!

jfarnsworth said...

wow...big week for you! Good luck with all of your surgeries, they sound like no fun at all! At least when you get your tonsils out you will have an excuse to eat nothing but icecream for a week if you want!

You Are Pocahantas!
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Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.

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