Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving at our house was pretty quiet. It was just My parents, my Grandma Farnsworth and I. We enjoyed a nice turkey dinner, and even got in a nap. It was the quietest Thanksgiving I think I have ever had, but it was really nice. My mom also got us started on a puzzle. Who would have thought we would all get into as much as we did. My dad was even getting cranky about it. He would swat my hand out of the way, and try and steal my puzzle pieces. After we got tired of the puzzle, we watched 10,000 B.C. I think it is such a good movie. After the Movie we were back at the puzzle, we couldn't get ourselves to stop until about 11:30.
Friday we headed over to Huntington and enjoyed time with Family. And Saturday we went on a horse ride. All together it was a good Thanksgiving weekend. This is how far we got on the puzzle the first night. The Puzzle even glowed in the dark.
Putting the last piece of the puzzle in.

This is the finished project. I had a hard time letting my mom take it apart, but we got another one at Wal Mart today to start on.


The Johnsons said...

That puzzle turned out to be pretty. I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving. It was nice going to Huntington with you guys.

Moab Cozzens said...

We do a puzzle every year at Christmas. Then we modge podge the thing together and stockpile it because we've worked so hard getting it together no one can stand to see it torn apart. It's a fun gathering activity - you can puzzle and talk.

jfarnsworth said...

wow i had no idea you guys were into puzzles! I think it's awesome! We had a pretty quiet Thanksgiving ourselves, just us at Bonnie and Larry's with Mike and Amoree-well scratch the quiet part-Mike was there, how could it have been quiet? Hopefully we'll see you at the Christmas party!

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