Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Family Night

For Family Home Evening last night, we joined Jed and Tammie's family and headed off on horses to roast hot dogs. It was a lot of fun, and I think everyone had an enjoyable time! This is what most everyone rode in to get to and from the fire pit.
This is what me, Ryan, and my dad rode to get out there.

Standing around the fire

Riding my horse
Jed's Horses and Wagon


Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

looks fun. Maybe next time we can make it. Atleast we got our garden planted.

The Johnsons said...

IT was a lot of fun! I'm glad we went. I hope we get to do it again soon.

You Are Pocahantas!
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Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.

Which Disney Princess Are You?