Friday, August 22, 2008

Back To School

Well yesterday I went back to school. My schedule isn't very hard, but still school just isn't fun. I have to admit that I learned more in my Biology class yesterday then I did in my other one in a full year. As for my statistics class. I can't even understand my teacher. He doesn't speak very good english, and is a little crazy. He couldn't even understand his own syllabus. This is going to be interesting. In my Creative Learning for Children Class we had to get up in class and dance to the wiggles. I have to say I'm a pretty good dancer when it comes to wiggle music. I am hoping it will be a fun class. My mom tells me only 170 days left, but that doen't even put a dent in the 664 days that Steven has left. Hopefully it goes by fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aggh, back to school... wow how I don't miss that :) I totally agree, school just isn't fun, but it goes by fast, and you sure are smart when its all over. just don't forget everything you learned like I have! LOL. Have fun in school and I will talk to you later.

<3 Julia

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