Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Exciting Weekend

On Friday night, Jed Bailey and his two daughters took My parents and I to see South Flats. It is up in the Mountains West of Fountain Green. It was so pretty up there, I can't wait to go again. My mom was a little scared cause there were some pretty tough hills to climb, but It all ended up being really good. In most spots you could look down and see all of Ftn. Green, and most of North Sanpete. It was amazing. We really do live in a pretty county. This was our destination.
Look how Pretty my Horse is. I don't know if it gets better than that. Jed wants to buy it, but I'm not letting her go.

This is Beautiful Ftn. Green.
On Saturday after work, I headed up to the Cabin with Trina, Katy and Trey to meet the rest of the family. After dinner we just relaxed and talked. It's always good to get the family together up there. Even though somedays the day can last forever, It was fun and I'm glad I went. I put some picutres of my cute Nieces and Nephews. I'm a lucky aunt, they are cute and fun to be around

Shaelynn will pose for any picture! She is and is going to be a very pretty girl.

Even though Trey was sick, he was still a happy boy. He is so cute. And I'm sure he gets a lot of help from his big sister Katy.

Katy bugs is quite the talker. She told us stories the whole way home. She had to tell everyone that her mom wrecked the 4 wheeler into her Daddy's truck, and that is why she was riding home with Grandma and Grandpa.

Paeton played beauty salon, and made me look so pretty by putting make up on me and all the girls. The make up will go great with the pink purse and pink camera she is getting for her birthday.


Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

you do have great nieces and a nephew. Thanks for riding up with me. Even if I did wreck the truck.

The Johnsons said...

You are right you do have the cutest nieces and nephew ever. It was really nice to be at the cabin, its always so peaceful.

Anonymous said...

HI mandy!!!

I am so happy you blog!!! I just started mine in april so I am not that good at it yet :) Your horse ride looks like it was so much fun!! I can't believe summer is almost over.. time flies hu? Its probably going slow for you right now with your missionary gone... but he will be back before you know it! I am adding you to my list!! keep in touch mandy xoxo and your right.. I will see you in RS now! :)

<3 Julia

You Are Pocahantas!
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Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.

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